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Combat Humidity: Top Tips For Frizzy Hair Prevention in Hong Kong
April 3, 2024

Combat Humidity: Top Tips For Frizzy Hair Prevention in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is great when it starts to get warmer after winter. But among the hustle and bustle of our city life, we often find ourselves grappling with frizzy hair - an unwelcome gift from Hong Kong's infamous humidity.

Humidity in tropical places like Hong Kong can bring the unwanted frizzy hair and flatness to your hair, even leaving your hair feeling unmanageable. But with the right blend of care and styling, you can shift the balance and turn your frizzy hair into healthy, vibrant locks.

Humidity and frizzy hair

The amount of moisture in the air (aka humidity) can affect the way you need to take care of your hair. In general, high humidity increases the chances of:

  • Frizzy hair: Increased moisture in the air disrupts the hair cuticle layer and leads to hair strands swelling, giving rise to the unwanted frizzy hair.
  • Flat hair: Those with finer hair will have their hair weighed down by the amount of moisture in the air. Humidity cloaks the hair, leaving it looking as subdued and flat
  • Unruly hair: Moisture sways the hair to unruliness, making it resistant to styling and maintenance.
Frizzy hair before bhave treatment
Frizzy hair before bhave treatment

Smooth frizz-free hair after bhave treatment
Smooth frizz-free hair after bhave treatment

Rules of caring for frizzy hair

Humidity brings the kind of moisture that your hair can simply live without. So when you’re staying in a location with high humidity, you should keep in mind three rules:

  1. Hydrate: Hydration is the cornerstone of vibrant, resilient hair. By nourishing your hair with hydrating products and treatments such as frizz treatment for hair including the renowned Bhave treatment, you nurture your hair health. Healthy, hydrated hair is less inclined to absorb moisture from the environment, lessening the chances of frizzy hair. The Bhave treatment, in particular, infuses keratin to your strands, making them stronger and more resilient.
  2. Protect: Using gentle yet powerful barriers provided by anti-humidity sprays and serums minimises environmental impact. Such products do not just shield; they keep your hair balanced to protect them from outside humidity.
  3. Style: Frizzy hair can be managed through styling accordingly. Take on hairstyles that keep the hair up and use specialised tools like an ionic hair dryer for styling. Professional frizz treatment such as the Bhave treatment makes it easier to style your hair.

How to style your frizzy hair

Some things you need to consider when you’re styling your hair in a place with high humidity:

  • Select products that are lightweight.
  • Embrace protective hairstyles that reduce humidity exposure.
  • Understand the special needs of your hair and its unique texture and use tools and products that address its needs specifically.
Frizzy humidity hair before bhave salon treatment
Frizzy humidity hair before bhave salon treatment

Extra smooth, frizz-free hair, after bhave salon treatment
Extra smooth, frizz-free hair, after bhave salon treatment

Foolproof tips to prevent frizzy hair in high humidity

  1. Wash your hair right - Set a good foundation of hydration by selecting shampoos and conditioners enriched with natural oils and humectants tailored to your hair type. If you’re prone to frizzy hair, products that specifically cater to frizz are best, like Kevin Murphy's hydrating range.
  1. Get on board with anti-humidity serums - From serums to creams and sprays, embrace styling aides fortified with natural silicones to form a protective veil against moisture. This barrier function is inherent in silicone and keeps humidity at bay, exemplified by selections like Kevin Murphy’s stylers like blow dry wash & rise and smooth again. 
  1. Use a leave-in conditioner - Application of leave-in treatments can significantly lock in moisture, preventing the undue absorption of humidity. Consider enriching your hair with Kevin Murphy’s leave-in options, a small yet impactful step towards frizz control.
  1. Master blow-drying techniques - A blow-drying regimen significantly lessens the chances of your hair absorbing undue moisture.some text
    • For straight hair - Round brushes bring volume and make hair bouncier - but remember to incorporate heat protectants. Kevin Murphy's blow-dry essentials offer unmatched efficacy.
    • For curly or wavy hair - Diffusers are amazing for curly hair. In the cool setting, they can create stylish curls without the frizz.
  1. Consider frizz treatment for hair - Explore specialised treatments targeting frizzy hair. Love Hair has a number of frizz treatments that can match your hair type and needs.some text
    • The Bhave treatment is a keratin treatment that offers a robust defence against frizz by nourishing and sealing the hair strand with keratin.
    • Another frizz treatment for hair includes using hydrating hair masks, which can be done at home or at our salon.
    • Oils such as coconut or argan oil act as a natural frizz treatment for hair and can settle your frizzy hair while adding a robust shine.
  1. Get an ionic hair dryer - Upgrade to an ionic hair dryer, which enhances shine and suppresses frizzy hair. It’s an investment that’s worth every dime - and the GHD range offers value-for-money options.
  1. Switch to cold showers - Limit exposure to hot water that risks cuticle expansion and embrace a finishing cold rinse to seal moisture, thereby enhancing hair's sheen and smoothness.
  1. Get microfibre towels - Adopt microfiber towels for their gentle, efficient moisture absorption that doesn’t bring frizzy hair. Allow hair to air-dry as much as possible.
  1. Adopt protective hairstyles - Consider hairstyles that elegantly manage frizz by minimising interaction with humidity. From braids and classic buns to high ponies and even the half-up/half-down style, these serve both style and function.
  2. Indoor humidity control - Using dehumidifiers in your living space can play a significant role in managing your hair's response to humidity, particularly for those living in Hong Kong.
  1. Reduced hair handling - Minimise direct contact with your hair. Supplement with silk scarves for protective styling to decrease frizz potential.
  1. Professional stylist consultations - Every hair is unique and at Love Hair, we make it a point to do consultations before we touch your hair. Professional stylists can advise on the best products and practise for your hair, especially when you’re staying in a high humidity environment. Here at Love Hair, we offer frizzy hair-specific services including frizz treatment for hair and the renowned Bhave treatment.
  1. Commitment to regular trimming - Set up a routine of haircuts every 6-12 weeks to ensure the health of your hair ends.
  1. Get satin pillowcases - Satin reduces nighttime hair friction, fostering a smoother hair appearance upon awakening.
  1. Consider your water quality - Shower filters can mitigate the effects of hard water on hair. The chemicals in hard water such as chlorine can damage your hair and hair colour, so filtering your water can help preserve its health and colour fidelity.

Navigate humidity in Hong Kong and prevent frizzy hair

Hong Kong’s climate is both a blessing and a curse for those who are prone to frizzy hair. But taking steps to make sure you can manage the frizz in this high-humidity environment can make all the difference.

From frizz treatment for hair to ionic hair dryers and specialised treatments such as the Bhave treatment, we offer plenty of options to combat the frizz. All it takes is a bit of consideration and work - but the fruits of your investment is sure to pay off when you see your vibrant hair thriving even in the humidity of our Hong Kong streets.

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